Storing Food For A Disaster

In another example of synergy with Apartment Therapy, I thought I’d point you in the direction of this post, which gives some great examples of how to store food (along with your kit!) in case of a disaster.

As I said in the comments, I’ve got the rations that came with my kit, but little extra food beyond that. Robin, however, has been planning ahead. She’s tracking down a good bottle of champagne and some Cougar Gold canned cheese (which she swears tastes like Tillamook sharp white cheddar) to keep with her supplies. Should add a little ray of hope to an otherwise scary situation.

Anyway, aside from liking the packaging on the Shelf Reliance canned foods, some of them sound pretty decent. If you don’t have money to invest in those, you can always buy canned food from the grocery store…just make sure to keep a manual can opener with your kit!

P.S. Shelf Reliance’s disaster kits are really pricey. You’re much better off buying one from our chapter store.