Disaster Action Team Responses
A second family from the Oregon City apartment fire that occurred March 11, called in on March 13, needing Red Cross assistance. When the American Red Cross volunteers arrived they found the family had place to stay, but did need Red Cross help. The volunteers assisted the 2 adults and 2 children with:
–A client assistance card to shop for food, clothing and coats.
The adults received comfort kits containing:
–Toothpaste, toothbrush, washcloth, shampoo, comb, razor, Kleenex and a washcloth.
The children received a comfort kit containing:
–Toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, shampoo, Kleenex, washcloth, coloring books and crayons.
–The children received stuffed animals to comfort them.
On March 13, a family of 2 adults and 4 children had a fire in their house in Vernonia. The family did have a place to stay, but did need help from the Red Cross. When the Columbia County American Red Cross volunteers arrived they assisted the family with:
–A client assistance card to shop for clothing, coats and food.
The family received comfort kits and stuffed animals for the children.
On March 13 there was a single unit apartment fire, in Gresham. When the American Red Cross volunteers arrived they assisted 2 adults and 1 child with:
–Lodging in a nearby motel.
–A client assistance card to shop for food and clothing.
The family received comfort kits and stuffed animals for the children.