Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up

[The place names link to maps so that you can get a quick idea of the region.]
Côte d’Ivoire: The ICRC and Ivorian Red Cross volunteers are helping 17,500 people resume farming by supplying rice, corn, and hoes.
Namibia: “Heavy rain has sent torrents of waters through communities that weren’t prepared in the slightest,” says the IFRC’s Matthew Cochrane, who is publishing first-hand accounts of his experiences in Africa.
Tajikistan: In a new partnership with Tajik universities, students will now learn about International Humanitarian Law.
Kyrgyzstan: “Not everything can be done by the doctors, so we have to start learning about it at school,” says a Kyrgyz Red Crescent nurse who teaches children to recognize signs of tuberculosis. (More on TB and global prevention efforts here.)
Sri Lanka: As tsunami recovery projects near completion, the IFRC and Sri Lanka Red Cross Society are taking a holistic approach to building resilient communities.