Texting Campaigns: What Works, What Doesn’t

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard “Text 90999 to HAITI” at least one or two times by now.

Most people have figured out how it works (though some, clearly, have not), but you may still have some unanswered questions.

To that end, I wanted to point you towards three things:

1. An FAQ about the Red Cross/Haiti mobile giving campaign that answers every question I can think of.

2. An article from Mashable listing 5 Real Challenges for Non-Profit Mobile Giving Campaigns.


3. A PRSA luncheon on Wednesday, Feb. 17, featuring yours truly talking about this very topic.

I’ll be completely honest with you — I had nothing to do with this campaign other than to help promote it. I know a little bit about how it came together (there were actually talks occuring prior to the earthquake), but not much. That’s why I’m hoping that the nice folks at NHQ and/or MGive will join me…appropriately, via phone.

This mobile giving campaign has proven to be a success (see the latest $$ totals by state) and there will surely be more to come in the future. Now’s your chance to get up to speed…