Severe Blood Shortage: Blood and Platelet Donors Urgently Needed

The American Red Cross is facing a severe blood shortage and urges eligible blood and platelet donors to give now.
The Red Cross collected over 21,000 fewer blood and platelet donations during September and October than what hospitals needed. The shortfall in donations is largely a result of fewer groups signing up to host blood drives over the last two months.
Additionally, hurricanes Florence and Michael forced thousands of blood and platelet donations to go uncollected due to widespread blood drive cancellations that further depleted the blood supply.
How Can I Help:
- Make an appointment to give blood or platelets by downloading the free Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
- Let your friends and family know there is a blood shortage and ask them to #GiveNow. Eligible donors of all blood types are needed to help ensure the Red Cross can meet the needs of patients every day and is prepared for emergencies that require significant volumes of donated blood.
- Bring someone to donate with you.
- Host a blood drive this winter to prevent a prolonged blood shortage.
Now! Your support can help ensure that blood products are there for trauma victims, premature babies, patients going through cancer treatment and others who rely on the generosity of volunteer donors.
Who Needs Blood:
Jessicca Haveman needed an emergency cesarean section to give birth to her daughter. Because her blood was not clotting normally, Jessicca had to receive three blood transfusions. Today, she is thankful for the blood
products that were available in her time of need, and she donates to give back.

“I couldn’t imagine having to go to the hospital and be told my or my child’s life couldn’t be saved because there is no blood available,” said Jessicca.
Every day, volunteer blood and platelet donors across the country are needed to help save lives.
Don’t wait. Donate.
- Blood Donor App –
- –
- Host a blood drive –
- Donate –>