Red Cross Cascades Region Disaster Responses
Intake Centers–NOW CLOSED

If you are in need of assistance please call 1-800-RED-CROSS. Si necesita asistencia, llame al 1-800-RED-CROSS. |
Be Prepared
Now is the time to be prepared. Know your evacuation levels and be Red Cross Ready. Build a Kit. Make a Plan. Stay Informed. Download our FREE Prepare! Guide.
Para obtener consejos de preparación en español, haz clic aquí
- Be ready to evacuate at a moments notice.
- Back your car into the garage or park it outside in the direction of your evacuation route.
- Confine pets to one room so you can find them if you need to evacuate quickly.
- Listen to local radio and television stations for updated emergency information including your safest escape route.
- Check your emergency kit and replenish any items missing or in short supply, especially medications and medical supplies. Make sure you include a mask and hand sanitizer with your kit. Keep it in the car.
- Don’t wait – evacuate: if you feel threatened or unsafe, you can choose to evacuate at any time. If you receive an official evacuation order, please heed the orders of local authorities and follow all instructions.
- Download the free Red Cross Emergency App for safety information and weather alerts right at your fingertips.
What to Bring to a Shelter
The Red Cross does not turn away people who need assistance during a disaster. We are committed to helping all those in need. Anyone who needs a safe place to go can also find open Red Cross shelters at
We encourage people who plan to stay in a Red Cross shelter to bring:
- Prescription medications
- Extra clothing
- Pillows
- Blankets
- Hygiene supplies
- Other comfort items and important documents.
- Don’t forget to bring any special items for children, such as diapers, formula and toys, or for family members who have unique needs.