Tag: summer
Now You’re Grilling With Gas
We’re closing in on the July 4 weekend, a time when many of you might be rolling out the grill and cooking up some BBQ…perhaps even of the vegan variety. […]
You’re Killing Me Smalls!
After the amazing weather this weekend, I dared to dream of potential summer activities: baseball, swimming, running from giant dogs named “The Beast.” Okay, so another summer tradition of mine […]
Protect Your Pooch In Hot Weather
Today’s extreme weather gives us a great opportunity to remind you to think about summertime pet safety as well as people safety. It’s important to be able to identify the […]
A Lesson on Lightning
I might not be able to predict earthquakes, but I could definitely see the signs of a summer storm yesterday afternoon. The sky was gray, the air humid and rain […]
It’s Official…
At 4:59 p.m. today, I will not be at work. That’s because it will be the official first day of summer! and you just can’t celebrate that indoors. Given that […]