Myanmar: Photos and Updates On Relief Efforts

I spent an hour this morning on a national conference call discussing the relief efforts in Myanmar. Some good news is that (as our blog readers may already know) there are currently Red Crossers on the ground in Myanmar distributing aid and doing assessments. The Red Cross already had a well established presence there before the storm, including the Myanmar Red Cross – a Red Cross society (like the American Red Cross) that has a network of 320 branches throughout the country – ICRC delegates and IFRC delegates. And the first plane-full of Red Cross shelter supplies arrived in Myanmar yesterday – things like tarps, rope, nails, insect-repellent bed netting. 
Many more updates here.
If you’d like to help financially, I’ve added a button on our right-hand sidebar that will direct you to the donation page for relief efforts in Myanmar .

And speaking of Red Crossers on the ground, the IFRC has begun posting photos from Cyclone Nargis relief efforts on their flickr page. (See slideshow below, or click here.)