Making Connections on World Refugee Day

Did you know that tomorrow is World Refugee Day? Angelina Jolie did.

Here at the Oregon Trail Chapter, we make it a point to connect refugees with their families via our tracing services. And we do it all year long…not just right now.

But since it’s a special day and all, I thought I’d share with you a lovely story (written by incredibly talented volunteer Bela Friedman) about a Burundi refugee who lives right down the street in Beaverton, Oregon. We connected him with a little piece of home, which you can read all about right here.

If you know a refugee who has been separated from their loved ones by disasters, armed conflict or violence, tell them to get in touch.

P.S. I also wanted to share another refugee story — this time from the Seattle chapter. This one’s amazing…he got connected without even looking for it!