Does Your Blog Readership Grow By 64% Per Month? Ours Does…

As you already know, Robin and I have been working long and hard on an entry for the Oregon Columbia Chapter of the International Business Communicators Association’s (whew — what a mouthful!)Bronze Beacon Awards. We got it submitted JUST at the deadline, but it looked terrific.

I’d share the whole project summary with you, but it’s four pages long and probably a little “communications-speak” for the average reader. But I did want to share some cool things that we discovered while pulling it together.

We wanted to:

  • Increase the frequency of blog posts from 2-3 per month to 2-3 per day.
  • Increase unique visits by 25% each month during the ramp-up period (January to June, 2008).

We managed to:

  • Post new content on the blog 2-5 times per day. This frequency is nearly double the original goal and an increase of more than 2500% (!!!) from when the blog launched.
  • Increase readership by an average of 64% each month, more than double the original goal for the ramp-up period.

YOU are the reason for these results. Thanks for reading the blog and we’ll keep you posted on the award entry!