“Stand Up, Stand Out, Stand Proud” Blood Drive

When you live in a cool city, that usually means that you rarely get the chance to check out the boutique-y and chic-y local lodging (why pay for a hotel when you have a bed of your own nearby?). Unless you have a really good reason… like helping to save lives.

This coming Tuesday, the Jupiter Hotel will be hosting the next Red Cross LGBTQ blood drive. Gay or straight, we invite you to come check out the event. If you can’t donate blood, we encourage you to ask a family member or friend to donate. Maybe you can help out in a different way.

Just a reminder: the Red Cross (like every blood collection organization) operates under rules established by the Food and Drug Administration. There’s a great blog about this right here.
Need more incentive in addition to a cool location and a good cause? Come for the blood drive, stay for the music. Beginning right as the blood drive ends at 8 p.m., the Doug Fir Lounge next door is hosting a night full of live, local indie rock.
Stand Up, Stand Out, Stand Proud
Jupiter Hotel (800 E. Burnside)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
To schedule your appointment, or for more information, contact Desiree Wagner at 503-201-0958 or desiree_wgnr@yahoo.com. You can also call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or visit http://www.givelife.org/ and enter the sponsor code “standup.”
Photo: eyeliam