Douglas County Leaders demonstrate Double Red
A few weeks ago the double red program made it’s first appearance on the Southern Oregon Coast, and now the program has made an appearance at the Roseburg donor center. The Douglas-County News Review was there as several high profile area leaders rolled up their sleeves to show their support of the new donation opportunity.State Representative Tim Freeman for Roseburg (shown above) and Douglas County Fairgrounds executive director Harold Phillips (shown right) were two of the leaders that helped demonstrate the double red donation process and promote donating blood. Freeman noted,“I think it’s an opportunity for people to help the community and it costs you nothing.”
Donors with type O blood, which is in high demand for treating trauma victims when there is no time to test for a patient’s blood type, are especially needed for participation in the double red cell program. Because opportunities to donate double red cells are more limited than whole blood donations and donors must meet certain criteria, donors should schedule an appointment for double red cell donations. For more information about the double red cell program, click here!