We’re All Right

“In August, 2009, Portland resident Kate Raphael moved with her husband and three children to Santiago, Chile, for one year. They were seeking adventure and the experience of living abroad. They got more than they bargained for.

On February 27, 2010, an 8.8 magnitude earthquake — the seventh largest in recorded history — struck central Chile. The earthquake was immediately followed by two tsunamis that wiped out hundreds of miles of coastline and fishing villages. The family was vacationing at the coast at the time, and fled to higher ground.

This video was produced and narrated by Kate Raphael. She is immensely grateful to her son, Sutton Raphael, who somehow had the presence of mind to pick up his video camera and capture footage immediately after the earthquake struck.”

Read an overview of their year in Chile, as recorded on the Raphael family website/blog.

Big thanks to
Multnomah County Emergency Management for sharing!