Together We Prepare

It’s Friday and you’re probably counting down the hours until you get to run home for the weekend. Before you do, think about committing one hour a month to service. Believe me, you’ll feel super productive if you do. Many people want to volunteer for the Red Cross, but can’t make a weekly commitment. Often times your schedule changes from month to month and you just don’t know if you have time. How does giving one hour per month to educate your community about disaster preparedness sound? The Emergency Services Department is looking for new volunteers to help teach their disaster preparedness presentations, called Together We Prepare Oregon. By giving your time just once a month, you will teach people in your community how to make a family emergency plan, build a disaster kit and stay informed. Not convinced yet? Stop by our Community Presenters Informational Meeting on October 27th from 6 – 7 pm at the Oregon Trail Chapter, Tillamook Room. We’ll have dinner, interesting information and current volunteers to impart their wisdom. To RSVP or for more information, contact Lauren Woodward at 503-528-5657 or