Vinegar On A Jellyfish Sting And Other Helpful Tips

Because I know you swim with jellyfish on a frequent basis…

Revised first aid guidelines were released today and there are some updated recommendations for the treatment of snake bites, anaphylaxis (shock), jellyfish stings and severe bleeding. Here’s the scoop:

Jellyfish Stings: The revised guidelines reaffirm the recommendation to use vinegar to treat the sting. The vinegar neutralizes the venom and may prevent it from spreading. After the vinegar deactivates the venom, immersing the area in hot water for about 20 minutes is effective for reducing pain.Snake Bites: The treatment for snake bites has been amended slightly to recommend applying a pressure immobilization bandage to any venomous snake bite, with pressure being applied around the entire length of the bitten extremity.Anaphylaxis: If symptoms persist after a few minutes of giving the patient an epinephrine injection from a prescribed auto-injector and medical help is delayed, the first aid provider can give a second epinephrine injection from a prescribed auto-injector.Severe Bleeding: The guidelines recommend that the general public not routinely use hemostatic agents (substances used to help stop bleeding) to control bleeding because of significant variability in effectiveness and the potential for adverse effects. Tourniquets and hemostatic agents should be considered alternatives for professional rescuers when direct pressure is not possible or fails to control bleeding.And, with that (and a Red Cross first aid class), you’re up-to-date!Photo courtesy of Sprengben [why not get a friend]