A Word from Tyler

Tyler Grant is a one-time AmeriCorps volunteer turned Readiness Specialist
extraordinaire.  He knows just about everything there is to know about
disaster preparedness, and if he doesn’t know the answer, he’ll find out and get back to you.

Disasters can get pretty messy pretty quickly and, like it
or not, “nature” may call in the midst of less than ideal circumstances. In the
interest of discretion I’ll not be too graphic here but instead direct you to
the resources of a group called PHLUSH. They’ve gathered the lessons learned
from others who have been through disasters before and know how to handle . . .
um . . . well let’s keep calling it nature.

Their Christchurch Twin No-Mix Emergency Toilet is
said to manage both stink and germs. Click on their link to learn more:

-Tyler Grant


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