Category: Carousel
Western Oregon University Students Receive Red Cross Award for Saving the Life of an 11-year-old Boy
Written by Rebecca Marshall, Cascades Red Cross Communications Director. A hero is someone who shows exceptional bravery, skill, and dedication to saving lives during emergency situations. These students did just […]
“It’s liquid gold. That’s why donating platelets is important to me”
Written by Isabel Anderson, Cascades Regional Communications Manager David Dodd has been donating platelets for years. He first started donating 12 years ago when his coworker, and friend, was diagnosed […]
Meet the Incredibly Strong 5 Year Old Whose Life was Saved by 40 Blood and Platelet Transfusions
Written by Isabel Anderson, Cascades Regional Communications Manager Emmi Bradley is a very spunky and outgoing five year old. Emmi’s mother, Stephanie Bradley describes her as, “the exact opposite of […]
The Hurricane One-Two Punch
Written by Rebecca Marshall, Cascades Region Communications Director. Over 60 Red Crossers from the Cascades Region are deployed across 5 states and have been here since Hurricane Helene made landfall […]
“Pick up Your Phone. Our House is on Fire.” Megan Caldwell Shares her Story with the Red Cross.
I can truly now say that I know what it means to have just the clothing on your back, because that is what we had that day.
Be a Sickle Cell Fighter and Help Save Lives During Red Cross Sickle Cell Blood Drive
Written by Isabel Anderson, Cascades Regional Communications Manager This month is Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder that causes red blood cells to become […]
Deploying to a Wildfire for the First Time
Written by Isabel Anderson, Cascades Regional Communications Manager The call came in at 1:30pm and by 8pm, I was at the Prineville Red Cross shelter. There’s a certain thrill that […]
Retired High-Tech Engineer Finds Purpose Helping People Recover from Disasters
By Patricia Griffiths, Red Cross Volunteer This summer, thousands of Red Cross volunteers across the country, like Terry Nefcy, packed a suitcase and traveled to different states to support people […]
Due to Blackfeet Tribe tradition, he never donated blood but now his perspective has completely shifted
Written by Isabel Anderson, Cascades Regional Communications Manager In 1993, Dwayne Cree Medicine witnessed a man hurting a woman, so he stepped in to defend her. The attacker shot Dwayne […]
Disaster Doesn’t Discriminate, It Can Strike Any of Us
Written by Isabel Anderson, Cascades Regional Communications Manager This Oregon fire season is in full swing. As of July 25, more than 945,000 acres have burned and it’s not slowing […]