Topoff the Marnin’ to Ye!

Whew! Topoff is over, which is a good thing for many, many people around here. It was an extremely valuable exercise and every department here at the OTC learned something about itself that will be indispensable in an actual emergency. With all that learning, though, why would it be a good thing it’s over? I’m glad you (I) asked! I can’t tell you how hard everyone around here was working for that—over in Emergency Services, I’m not actually convinced that anyone slept all last week. They are fantastic.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, or if you are interested in learning more about the exercise and the OTC’s role in it, feel free check out this stuff:

Here’s a video from Youtube even! How cool is that? Looks like it might be by Willamette Week.

On top of(f) all of this, Red Cross personnel (everyone from our CEO to our communications director to volunteers) were interviewed on KGW-TV on October 14th, KATU-TV, KOIN-TV, KPAM radio and KXL radio on the 15th, CVTV (Vancouver) on the 16th, KGW, KOIN, KXL and Portland Community Media on the 17th.

Like I said, it’s been crazy around here. Hats off and many thanks to all who participated!