A Trip to the Museum

On Wednesday, I went to the museum. Not just any museum, mind you — the very special Safety Learning Center + Fire Museum.

The museum is located in the historic Belmont firehouse in SE Portland and it’s perfect for those of us who love vintage. There’s a classic “Stop Fire” neon sign, tons of old photos and firefighter clothing and helmets. But best of all was the fire pole, which kids can try out and staff use on a daily basis!

I didn’t give it a try myself, but I did find out the correct way to slide down (with your elbow wrapped around the pole and your feet crossed at the bottom). I also heard the answers to two notorious firefighter questions:

Q: Why do firefighters wear red suspenders?
A: Because that’s the color they give them.

Q: Do all firehouses have a pole?
A: Only the two story ones.

The website gives you a good taste of what’s in store. For a tour, contact Don Porth.