Start your engines, folks! Today is the first day of the greatly anticipated BLOG OFF 2008 – a week-long contest of skill, reflex, and daring unlike any you’ve seen before. Forget that little competition happening in Beijing – this is where the real action is.

We’ve yet to receive our first challenge from the moderators (Amy Ruiz of the Portland Mercury and Corey Pein of Willamette Week), but we’re more than ready to take on the Water Blog and claim our place as victors of the blogosphere.

Instructions for you, the reader:
– The banner at the top of our page will link to all Blog-Off posts. You can show your support by voting/commenting on each PIC (Post In Competition). The moderators will read your comments and take them into account when determining the overall Blog Off winner.
– Remember to check back daily (and vote!). There will be a separate Blog Off challenge each day this week.
– You can also find all Blog-Off posts by clicking on the red BLOG OFF link just below the banner.

Instructions for our opponents, the Water Bloggers:

– Bring it on.

P.S. We’d like to give a shout out to John Solomon of In Case of Emergency, Read Blog for spreading the Blog Off news to folks in NYC and beyond.


  • The Water Blog has their post up. They’re not only better, they’re faster.

    Oh, and don’t go pulling a John McCain and break the “cone of silence” to see what the Water Blog writes so you can try to do better. That’s not very sporty.

  • Ha! Part of our dilemma was that we were TRYING to put in a table. Sadly, our HTML skills (and Blogger itself) wouldn’t allow that to happen.

    After lots of trial and error, we posted it as is. But, I assure you, ours was DONE first…just not FORMATTED.

  • One thing the water company doesn’t have is support team from Colorado should Nessie attack. What will the water company do when they have worked the disaster for two weeks staright and their folks are tired??

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