The Fishies Are Swimming In Our House Now, Right?

As you know, Texas took a beating from Hurricane Ike this weekend. I was tracking it minute-by-minute via these twitter channels. (Yeah, pretty intense.)

Here’s a quick round-up of eye-witness reports:

A video from ITN News (of the UK). There’s a Red Cross Shelter at about 1:45 in and clear footage of Ike’s damage. It looks eerily like a war zone. (The damage, not the shelter. The shelter is very nice.)

Austin restaurant, Katz’s Deli, donates to the American Red Cross. Lise used to live in Austin.  I wonder if she knows this place?

The American Red Cross 2008 Hurricanes video. Very moving. By the way, there are still thousands of people in shelters. 

And finally…the reason for the title of this post (respectfully borrowed from Wendy at Red Cross Chat)… volunteer Jana Sweeny’s amazing audio report about a boy, his grandma, and their home that is likely completely destroyed. The most human coverage of Ike I’ve yet seen.

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