There are drills for earthquakes and tsunamis. Why not for CPR?

We had our first annual CPR drill today. Becky, Eldon, and Dave made surprise visits to our offices and graded us as we “saved” them. 
And guess what? I passed! The only time I hesitated was when Becky asked me what to do if the unconscious victim’s airway seemed blocked. I was like, “Um…fish around in his mouth?” No! The answer is to keep doing compressions. Likely whatever is in there will pop out, but in any case it’s more important to keep the blood circulating than to waste time searching for stuff in somebody’s throat.
After my test I followed the drillers around to get photos (Flickr set here.) My favorite moment was this quick-witted comeback from Barbara:
Driller Becky: “How many times do you administer back blows?”
Rescuer Barbara: “Once a month! Oops, no that’s smoke alarms.” 

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