We’re Having A Tweet-Up!

What with all the snow and the holidays, we’ve seen a serious drop in blood donations this week. 

So we decided – at the suggestion of one of our twitter friends –  to call an Emergency Blood Drive Tweet-Up. (A “tweet-up” is a meet-up that’s organized through twitter.)  It starts in about half an hour. Details here
We’re not sure how many folks will be able to make it since the travel conditions are still pretty rough, but even if one person shows up that will be one more than would have if we hadn’t done this… and that one person’s blood will save up to 3 lives.
But, who knows! It could be a dozen of us partying in the atrium with hot cocoa, cookies, and arms newly wrapped in pretty neon bandages. (The cookies are my homemade, all-organic recipe I got from Bon Apetite, by the way. Don’t you wish you were here?)


  • Thanks for organizing this! It was my first “Tweet-Up” and my first blood donation, and even though I was nervous throughout, I felt great about it afterwards.

    I recommend that everyone give blood, there’s nothing like the feeling of saving 3 lives just be taking an hour out of your day and hanging out with some friendly phlebotomists.

  • Mike,

    We were so glad to have you at the tweet-up and really do hope you’ll come and give again…but only after eating a huge, protein-filled breakfast! 🙂

    – Lise

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