Excitement in the Air

Whirly Bird Action
Yesterday was an exciting day for Red Cross Blood Services. Leave it to Eileen Cahill and Neil Heiniman of Hospital Services to negotiate a Coast Guard Chopper for delivery of blood products to Grey’s Harbour Medical Center and Willapa Medical Center in the flood affected zone of Washington state. As the chopper flew off the Legacy Emanual Helipad, there was a feeling of absoulte pride to work for an organization like the American Red Cross!
Steve Stegeman, CEO said, “The Coast Guard pilots and crew are true heroes. But there are also other heroes involved. They are the nearly 5,000 donors per week who roll up their sleeves to donate blood. Because of their generosity, there was blood available for transport in the first place, but we must stay vigilant and prepared for the next emergency. If it has been a while since your last donation, call 1-800-GIVE LIFE to schedule an appointment.”