Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up

[The ALL CAPS place names link to maps so that you can get a quick idea of the region.]
INDONESIA: The Canadian Red Cross is building accessible housing for tsunami survivors with disabilities.
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: From food and farming supplies to health care and counseling, this photo set explains how the ICRC and the Red Cross Society of the Democratic Republic of the Congo are helping thousands of displaced people.
MOZAMBIQUE: Two Red Cross volunteers were killed and a further seven injured following riots that occurred while they were disseminating public health information in the midst of a cholera outbreak.
IRAQ: ICRC activities in the month of January include: helping 9,000 internally displaced people through the harsh winter with blankets, tarps, kettles and other supplies; distributing 6,500 blankets for detainees in a Baghdad prison; equipping health centers; improving water sanitation; and promoting international humanitarian law.
UGANDA: The ICRC is helping approximately 100,000 internally displaced people rebuild their livelihoods with seeds and farming tools as they return to their homes.
WORLDWIDE: Diarrhoeal diseases (like cholera) are on the rise – partly because more than one billion people do not have access to clean water. In honor of World Water Day on March 22nd, the IFRC has compiled a webpage of water sanitation initiatives and resources.