Rounding Up Pet Resources

This is evidently turning into round-up week.

Not because I’m lazy…well, not EXACTLY because I’m lazy. More because there’s just a lot of good info and to write up a proper post could take eons. And, as always, there’s other work to be done.

So, in honor of National Pet Week, I give you a Red Cross round-up for our favorite furry friends:

1. Pet first aid classes, so you’re able to save a life — Siamese or Shepherd.

2. Where to take your pet in a disaster.

3. How to make a pet disaster supplies kit.

4. Tips for traveling with your pet. (Hint: Bring the Pet First Aid manual along…)

5. A plethora of other pet safety resources that we’ve blogged about in the past, from Together Tags to NDART.

Now if only we had resources for those Portland urban chickens

Image courtesy of the Oregon Humane Society

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