On Rabbits and Hurricanes

Growing up, my mom always reminded me to say “Rabbit, Rabbit,” on the first day of a new month. The only rule was that you had to say it right when you woke up, before your feet could even touch the ground. The return for this investment? A month of good luck.

Suffice it to say, I totally forgot this morning.

But, I DIDN’T forget that June 1 — aside from being a Rabbit, Rabbit Day — is also the official start of hurricane season. And though it might not be something we worry much about here in Oregon, many of us have friends and family in states that are regularly affected by these natural disasters.

With that in mind, here are some tips to stay safe during a hurricane. Pass ’em along to those that might need them. And, if you missed it this time around, don’t forget to say “Rabbit, Rabbit” come July 1…who doesn’t need a month of good luck?

Image of my very favorite rabbit, Oolong.

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