Prepare for Pests with Pete

Here at the Red Cross, we try to be prepared for anything. With our Emergency Warming Centers in full-swing, I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to Pete of Pete’s Pest and Wildlife Control for helping us to prepare for some of the unwanted guests that may arrive this season. Don’t get me wrong, we hope that every person and pet has a warm place to sleep this winter…but we could do without the bed bugs, lice, fleas, cockroaches, and other creatures that may try to hitch rides with the invited guests.

If you’re looking for an exterminator, Pete was very friendly and professional. He was able to help on short notice, arrived early, was thorough and efficient, and used only pet- and people-safe products. We love that Pete feels a connection to the homeless community and wants to give back. So thanks, Pete, for helping us to support the Portlanders who need it most this holiday season.

Today’s post is brought to you by the letter P.


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