Greg Biffle and Red Cross Racing win big!

Vancouver NASCAR driver Greg Biffle broke his 64-game win-less drought to win big over the weekend! Biffle races the #16 3M/ Red Cross Ford Fusion. And where did he make this big win for the first time in two years? At the Sunoco Red Cross 500 in Pennsylvania!

The American Red Cross is still in a race that you can help us win- achieving the demand for blood donors during our tough summer drought. Each donation lets you receive points for Red Cross Racing rewards such as t-shirts, travel chairs, gardening kits, and so much more! If you can donate, please sign-up for an appointment today and pass along the word to your friends!

Image: Yahoo Sports


  • Damn, why doesn't the Oregonian report these things? I saw an article about Greg Biffle's win, and while I have a serious issue with sports, I still combed through the article in hopes of there being a Red Cross mention. Nope. Nada. Not a thing.

    Good thing that I have the Cross Blog for all the really important news, then!

  • Terrific win for Biffle, the Roush Racing team and of course, the Red Cross. It's kind of a poetic touch to have him win right after Jack Roush's plane crash — and it's not often you can use the term "poetic touch" around NASCAR.

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