Red Cross Cascades Region Celebrates #NationalVolunteerWeek

the American Red Cross Cascades Region celebrates our 4,000 volunteers who
provide help and hope throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington.
Across our
five lines of service—Disaster Cycle Services, Preparedness Health and Safety,
Service to the Armed Forces, International Services, and Biomedical Services, our volunteers work to positively impact
people’s lives and strengthen individual, family and community resiliency.
five lines of service—Disaster Cycle Services, Preparedness Health and Safety,
Service to the Armed Forces, International Services, and Biomedical Services, our volunteers work to positively impact
people’s lives and strengthen individual, family and community resiliency.

volunteers teach lifesaving first aid and CPR, spend weekends installing lifesaving smoke alarms and evenings educating the community
about disaster preparedness. Other volunteers respond to disasters big and
small—from home fires to floods and tornadoes—to make sure those impacted have
something to eat, a warm and safe place to stay and support along the road to
recovery. Still, other volunteers help to collect and deliver lifesaving blood
for patients in need and others spend their time providing emergency
communication services to military members and their families. These are just a
few of the many ways Red Cross volunteers make a big impact in our local
Thanks to our volunteers, the Red Cross is there for our communities, wherever
and whenever there’s a need. This past year, our volunteers have responded
to disasters in 165 local communities, trained more than 60,000 people in
lifesaving CPR, reached more than 25,000 children and adults with preparedness
education, supported hundreds of local military families to connect with loved
ones who are deployed, and collected more than 250,000 units of blood and
platelets from area donors.
and whenever there’s a need. This past year, our volunteers have responded
to disasters in 165 local communities, trained more than 60,000 people in
lifesaving CPR, reached more than 25,000 children and adults with preparedness
education, supported hundreds of local military families to connect with loved
ones who are deployed, and collected more than 250,000 units of blood and
platelets from area donors.