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Would You Like Some Candy?
Not an April Fool’s joke we’d recommend, but funny nonetheless. How often does your workplace conduct fire alarm/candy drills? [via Izismile]
Tickets Still Available! Portland Timbers Partner With The Red Cross!
The Portland Timbers are partnering with the American Red Cross to raise money for the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Disaster Relief efforts!* To help support this disaster relief, you […]
Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up
Welcome to the Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you. It’s a non-comprehensive sampling […]
Mega Quake At Science Pub!
We’ve been waiting for the opportunity to participate in OMSI’s Science Pub FOREVER. What could be more fun than geeking out AND enjoying delicious food and drink? Well, our dreams […]
CNN: Bomb Shelter Boom
The boom is on. And, on a smaller scale, we’ve been seeing a similar run on the emergency preparedness products in our online store. How much would you be willing […]