Survey Finds Concerns About Economy May Increase Incidence Of Home Fires

According to a recent survey, 79%of Americans are concerned about the rising cost of heating their homes, and many will use an alternative heating source to reduce their bills this winter.

This may mean space heaters, wood stoves, etc. And there’s nothing wrong with these things. It’s just that they really have to be used with caution. Bad wiring, careless placement, or neglect of these heat sources can easily lead to catastrophe. 
If you’re reading this blog, you’re likely already a pretty preparedness-conscious person. But please just do a double-check in your home. Do you have a fire extinguisher in a visible, accessible place? Are your smoke alarm batteries good? How close is that candle to that flammable curtain?
Here are a few resources for preventing fire in your home. 
– Tips on our website
– Fact sheets on
– The National Fire Protection Association’s “Fire Prevention Week” page

Photo via flickr user wili_hybrid