If Edward Gorey Worked for the RC…
I don’t want to steal Tara’s thunder on Spanish language YouTube videos, but MorningStar Padilla, one of the other AmeriCorps members serving at the chapter, located an excellent video on “Red Crossers” vanquishing the Grim Reaper. This is a fun artistic perspective on our amazing (and varied) work done around the world. WARNING: This may be considered rather violent to some (even if it’s animated)!
¡Me encanta este video! Nunca lo he visto.¡Fantástico! 🙂
THAT IS THE CUTEST VIDEO I'VE EVER SEEN. I completely want to steal it. Who has Mexican Red Cross connections?
Oh, and P.S.? I heart Edward Gorey.
I particularly loved all of his illustrations for the John Bellairs books, which were my favorites growing up.
There's an online contact form for the Mexican Red Cross. I found it on the communications/marketing section of their web page, so maybe it goes directly to a communications person. Let me know if you want me to craft an email about the video. This is the cutest RC video ever!
And another p.s.– I *heart* Gorey, too!
ack! youtube video attack! mine marks three in a row. i never had the opportunity to read john bellairs growing up but the books look amazing (if not a tad creepy).
I HAVE seen this before love it!
Thanks for sharing…
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