Happy Beatles Day!
9/9/09 is apparently very significant to numerologists, but I’m more excited by the double-shot of Beatles goodness today:
a) The Beatles’ entire digitally remastered catalog is being released!
b) The Beatles Rock Band video game is launched!
Because of this, I thought I would throw out a few Beatles hits that have significance to the Red Cross, most obviously, their song Help! Other notable lyrics include the songs Rain, Young Blood (thanks Tara!), Because and Twist and Shout (for earthquake reference…obviously).
These lyrics might be a stretch, but really though, the Beatles are the perfect way to calm down after an emergency. Enjoy unending Beatles radio today and remember the impact those four Brits continue to make on the world.
Graphic courtesy of pastemagazine.com
Yay for Beatles Day! I have Beatles Rock Band waiting for me at home. I'm so excited and think that a Beatles party is in order very soon.
How about the song "Young Blood"? (I've got to fit blood into this Beatles post somehow). It's an obscure cover from their early days that's on their album Live at the BBC. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypUD2q-pqUU&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo%2Egoogle%2Ecom%2Fvideosearch%3Fq%3Dthe%2Bbeatles%2Byoung%2Bblood%26hl%3Den%26emb%3D0%26aq%3Df&feature=player_embedded#t=121
Tara, you're so right! I spaced on blood-related lyrics (that sounds a little morbid…). I added Young Blood with appropriate credit to you. Also, I am totally down for a Beatles party sometime. Music, rock band stylings, fake Ringo noses (too far?).
Beatles Day!????? wow excellent idea, they are amazing, and wonderful band, I'm so exited to celebrate this day…thanks a lot…
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