Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up

Welcome to the Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you…

[The place names link to maps so that you can get a quick idea of the region.]

ASIA PACIFIC: The Red Cross Red Crescent is now responding to four near-simultaneous disasters in Asia Pacific: the Typhoon Ketsana and torrential rains in the Philippines and Viet Nam, a strong earthquake followed by a tsunami on the Samoan Islands and an earthquake off the West coast of Indonesia. For updates on these relief efforts, you can follow the IFRC, the Palang Merah Indonesia (Indonesia Red Cross), and the Philippines Red Cross on twitter.

And here’s some more in-depth coverage of the disaster response in:
AMERICAN SAMOA: The American Red Cross is on the ground responding to the earthquake and tsunami with road clearing, support for search and rescue missions, sheltering, food and emergency supplies. Residents of American Samoa are encouraged to register themselves on the “safe and well” website.

SUDAN: The ICRC will start distributing food and essential household items to families affected by recent hostilities in and around Korma, in North Darfur.
ICRC = International Committee of the Red Cross
IFRC = International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


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