What is LOVE?

I witnessed an event the other day that totally brought new light to what love might be. I was shadowing another Americorps Together We Prepare presentation for the elderly/disabled (they get their own version of the presentation) at an assisted living center out in Gresham.

As part of the presentation, participants get to fill out a ‘Readiness Quiz’ to see what they know and that actions they have done to be prepared in case of a disaster. There was an elderly couple, probably around in their 70’s, in our audience that were very clearly still much in love, holding hands and sitting next to each other and all. Most of the residents scored below 20% but this couple proudly scored above 60%! One of the reasons why?
“He got me an Emergency Kit for Christmas last year! We keep it in the house, and we have one in the car too!”
My heart melted. WHAT GREATER LOVE CAN POSSIBLY EXIST?! Emergency kits man, more thoughtful and practical than…anything.
I love practical gifts. Whenever I get a bouquet I’ll let it sit around for a few days and then they go in the dumpster. Chocolate? TRASH! Cards collect dust and I’m having a garage sale this weekend for the stuffed creatures I’ve received over the years. Once a now ex-boyfriend got me a LAUNDRY HAMPER for my birthday and I was THRILLED cause I had wanted a new one.
So men, show your loved ones you care in the most sensible way. Parents, do the same. Kids, your parents would be impressed. Oh and of course, women-men (physically) sometimes get hurt too, so keep it on your list for the next birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s day, etc.
First aid kits (antiseptics, bandages) can be purchased at most normal stores, and Emergency kits (which have stuff like radio flashlights, blankets) can be made AT HOME (fun thing to do as a couple or with the family on a rainy day) or purchased at your local Red Cross Chapter store.

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