#Just1Thing You’ve Done!

Whether or not you won our #just1thing contest (and we haven’t picked all the winners yet…hang in there!), I thought you’d like to know what your friends, neighbors and fellow “preppers” were busy doing during National Preparedness Month.

For your reading pleasure, here’s the list of all the #just1things submitted!


@wolfeblog: Got a kerosene Coleman lamp, stove, and fuel stored away. @NonTweetable: 10 gallons of bottled water at hand. And a box of band-aids @OzarksRedCross: Telling folks about the Life Hammer Key Chain – http://bit.ly/Res-Q-Me is #just1thing our chapter is doing to be more Red Cross #Ready @digitalschmidt : Making a copy of @Hermanns house key. @LifeWorksNW: We’re going to finish up the last bits in our emergency kit. @GenCubed: We have a zombie apocalypse contingency plan in place in our operational plan. @ForceResource: Following #RedCross and DOING what you suggest not just reading it! @Schnik:

  • Storing scanned copies of important documents offsite for disasters 🙂
  • I’ve got an entire desk drawer full of snacks… Just in case. 🙂
  • I’ve got a cribbage board and deck of cards in my trunk. 🙂
  • Why I use @foursquare: If i’m ever reported as missing, you’ll know where I was and when. #just1thing

@onisan1: I taught my dog to find the stairs in case of fire. @drusbury: Stocking up on Chef Boyardee. @PerryElkins:

  • Friend sends to say #just1thing he does is to: “Always keep a list. Always prioritize the list. Always put ice cream first.” =)
  • Promoted a Blood Drive Today: http://bit.ly/RC-BloodDrive #Volunteer #NPM10
  • Put gas in the Jeep, even though I do not PLAN on needing to go anywhere this weekend.
  • Saved emergency numbers in my cell phone under ICE “In Case of Emergency…”
  • #just1thing we’ve done is train cats to “go to basement for treats” when storm siren sounds. Fire-Alarm-Back-Porch-Treats next.

@bluespruceinv: I’m going to turn my phone into a disaster resource! http://bit.ly/d0YXox @Govnerdgrrl: I’m going to repack my *dog’s* “go bag.” @ClareJulissa: My #just1thing is making sure I always have a bar of chocolate on hand for any emergency @hyprmut: My #just1thing for Nat’l Disaster Prep Month: Move the camp/emergency gear into accessible single point in new house. @chirpandtweet: We have a kit ready for preschool that has snacks, water & note from mom & dad. @DisasterDenise: Essentials for a disaster supply kit include battery operated radio, flashlight, & batteries. @bdhoffmeister: Take child/infant CPR or put a stuffed animal/security blanket in your preparedness kit @StumptownMom: Make sure you have appropriately sized clothes & diapers in 72 hour kit. I need to change mine out! @72hourplan: Carry communication card in wallet, purse, school backpack. Know your contacts! @wcoem: Nat’l Prep Month Tip-Want to help in an emergency? Start a disaster response team at your church. @dphizzle: I’m setting aside water – 1 gallon per person, per day (3 day supply for evacuation, 2 week supply for home). @jtotheco: I keep extra gear in the car (coat/boots/gloves/water/food) in case I get stranded/inclement weather. @lkissler: I’m going to check my “go-bag” and make sure all of my flashlight batteries are fresh! @starlit: Stock batteries for mom’s blood pressure wrist cuff @donnak4: I recommend putting food your kids love in your emergency kit. @marylgallegos: Cleaned, re-filled and sealed 72 hour water supply for family @Jugbo: I need to inspect and replace old and missing items in our first aid/earthquake kits. @MayFam11: I’m updating my family kit with season specific items: sweat shirts, stocking caps, warm gloves/socks. @MySalem: #just1thing I do to be more prepared for an emergency is to take note of the emergency exits when I enter a room or a building. @minaretcrew: minaretcrew is doing #just1thing to be more disaster ready: reading the @RedCrossPDX blog to learn more about preparedness (& getting lots of ideas)! @wscott5799: My #just1thing is having Tinker toys available. Good distraction to take my mind off of what’s happening. @LouiseHornor:

  • Inspired by your challenge, tonight I will replace pet food in our emergency “ditch bag” with fresh kibbles. #just1thing
  • In Richmond, VA, preparing a @RedCross facility for an emergency. It’s isn’t personal preparedness, but it is still #just1thing

@ChelszzzB: Travel first aid kit. @colbyreade:

  • I make sure I have a stash of water and nonperishable foods in my DESK in case we get stuck.
  • We have a stash of food, toys & treats for our puppy w/ our family so they can get him if we’re stuck.

@Underdogpdx: Drinking beer and hoping to dull the pain. @akitofan: Pet preparedness: Buying Costco-sized food and treats so they won’t go hungry. @Sarah_Dunlap: I bought lots of rice in order to be prepared. I also have camping gear.———————Did I miss your tweet? Just send me a link to it and I’ll add it to the list!And a HUGE thank you to all for participating on Twitter and — better yet — getting prepared for anything!