Make A Difference Day Is Tomorrow!

Make a Difference Day is a national event encompassing the most comprehensive nation-wide day of helping others. USA Weekend reports that in 2009, 3 million people participated in the national day of neighbor helping neighbor, and accomplished thousands of projects in hundreds of towns.

This Saturday marks Make A Difference Day’s 20th year…and what better way to celebrate than by connecting with the Red Cross!

No matter what your interest or cause is, the Red Cross is an incredible organization to find your volunteer niche. Just look below at the endless opportunities through the Red Cross!

Donate Blood: Nearly 4 million people donated blood through the American Red Cross in 2009! Literally give part of yourself to help save the lives of others. Call 1-800 RED CROSS or schedule your appointment online.

Not sure you’re ready to roll up your sleeve? You can still be a critical part of the donation process as a Blood Drive Ambassador, Community Outreach Volunteer, Language Interpreter and more.

You can also educate high school youth on the importance of blood by becoming a Red for Life” educator!

Teach CPR, Emergency Preparedness and more:
Sudden cardiac arrest claims the lives of more than 200,000 people in the U.S. every year. As many as twelve children between the ages of four and 19 are injured every minute. Become trained to provide lifesaving skills by teaching First Aid, CPR and even Emergency Preparedness classes!

Bring Relief to Victims of Disasters: Fires, Floods, Earthquakes, Snowstorms….Disasters can be difficult and sometimes impossible to predict. Join the Disaster Action Team, which operates 24 hours a day to provide aid for those facing emergencies. In the winter, volunteer with our Warming Centers to deliver comfort to those most vulnerable from the freezing temperatures.

To support the operations of education and emergency relief, office volunteers are also always needed!