Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up

Welcome to the Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you. It’s a non-comprehensive sampling of the larger and/or more intriguing aspects of our global work…

INDIA: On the morning of December 30th, Cyclone Thane battered India’s south-east coast causing thousands to flee from their homes. In its wake, the cyclone left an immense trail of destruction. Early action by volunteers of the Indian Red Cross Society deployed before the disaster was able to reduce the impact of the severe storm. Working closely with the authorities, the Red Cross helped to evacuate people from low-lying coastal areas and sent out warnings through its district branches.

SOUTH SUDAN: Violence in Pibor County, Jonglei State, has left thousands of people displaced and many wounded. The ICRC is working with the South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) to help health facilities cope with an influx of casualties. ICRC teams based at regional Training hospitals are treating hundreds of people, distributing medical supplies, and helping to reunite families separated by fighting.

GUINEA-BISSAU: Between December 30th, 2011, and January 6th, 2012, the ICRC visited 38 military personnel arrested in connection with disturbances in Guinea-Bissau on 26 December. The visits took place in Mansoa military prison and at Armura air base in Bissau, and essential relief supplies were provided for the detainees.

MAURITANIA: A team from the IFRC has been visiting villages to assess food security problems in Mauritania. A lack of rainfall and poor access to water sources has had a major impact on agricultural production. The Mauritanian Red Crescent, with partners from a number of National Societies, are running programs to help and encourage gardening activities, growing food that is less dependent on abundant rains.


ICRC = International Committee of the Red Cross
IFRC = International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


  • DPG Appeal: Cyclone Thane Long term Rehabilitation

    The real tragedy of cyclone ‘Thane’ which hit south west Tamil Nadu on 30 December is that it has already been forgotten by the media.

    Yet, over 50 lives have been lost, an estimated one million people (yes, one million) have been affected: a whopping 200,000 homes destroyed, hundreds of fishing boats lost and tens of thousands of hectares of crops damaged.

    The Development Promotion Group (DPG), a Chennai based NGO immediately sent out a team to assess what they could do to help. DPG blends an experience that combines long-term development work with quick and effective response to disasters. They are a well established NGO, having worked in South India since 1986 and on several occasions responded to disaster situations – including the tragic Tsunami of 2004. Today, DPG launched its appeal for long term rehabilitation work.


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