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Slaughter House! This Weekend!
Okay, so it’s really not my kind of entertainment, but I know a lot of you out there totally dig haunted houses. And it is for you that I post […]
Gone, But Not Forgotten?
So I’m just about out of here, after wrapping up lots of press releases and various projects that Robin will get to take all the credit for while I’m gone. […]
Pessimist Or Optimist?
Are you a “glass half full” or a “glass half empty” person? I’d say that I’m the former; somewhat of an eternal optimist. So when I saw the news that […]
Your Three-Minute Trip To Africa
To follow up on my post about the Believe in Africa campaign, I thought I’d share this video created by the IFRC. It’s definitely upbeat and positive, so I’d say […]
Do You Believe In Africa?
Today is the final day of the 7th Pan African Conference. Actually, given the time difference between Oregon and Africa, I’m pretty sure it’s over by now. But I digress… […]
They’re Here: Halloween Safety Tips!
As previously mentioned, I’ll be in Detroit for Halloween. And even if I was here, I’m slightly (just slightly, mind you) too old for trick-or-treating. But I’m betting we all […]
This One Goes Out To Juan de Fuca
Because today marks the 140th anniversary of the first Great San Francisco Earthquake (the one in 1868, before Nature decided to one-up itself in 1906), Wired published several fascinating articles […]
Making More Blog Friends
I like making blog friends, especially ones who make yummy coffee. I’ve actually been a closet fan of Nancy Rommelmann for quite some time now. She’s a really outstanding journalist, […]
AmeriCorps Romance, Take One
You already know of my enthusiasm for helping people find love in CPR class. In the past, I’ve perused the CraigsList missed connections (not for me, I swear!) and picked […]