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Fire Preparedness Poll Results – And A Flickr Challenge!
The results are in! Looks like most of our blog readers (78%) are doing well in the “knows how to use an extinguisher” and “has an evacuation plan” categories. But only […]
Faces In Places
The ever-observant Lise noted the other day that the hooks in our bathrooms look like little long-nosed faces. That led us to a discussion of the Flickr pool Faces In Places so […]
5.2 Earthquake Hits Midwest
A 5.2 Earthquake shook Illinois this morning. I know what you’re thinking. “In the Midwest??” Yes. In the Midwest. Growing up in the midwest, I assumed that Earthquakes were something […]
Cold Weather = Not As Fun Anymore
Growing up, Portland got snow several times each year…just enough for school to be cancelled for a few days. Those were the days when snow was a blast — inspiring […]
Gentrification and Healing Through Storytelling
Gentrification. It’s a hot topic in Portland, and especially in the North Portland area where our building stands. Today’s Oregonian has an article about an innovative program that seeks to generate healing and […]
Our New Blog Tagline
Do you see it? Up above? Yesterday, the marketing team was messing around with our e-mail signatures to see if we might use that as a tool to promote the […]
Can Country Music Change a Life?
Let me start by saying I’m not the biggest fan of country music. Twang makes me shudder and any mention of trucks or rodeos will cause me to promptly cover […]
Our Chapter Makes National News
Okay, that’s a bit of a misnomer. It should probably read “Our Chapter Makes National’S News,” if I’m being honest. But really, it’s just as exciting as CNN or Newsweek […]
Disaster Action Team Responses
Red Cross Volunteers disaster responded to third fire, a single family fire, on Tuesday, April 15. When the disaster volunteers arrived, they assisted the adult and child affected by the […]
Disaster Action Team Responses
On Tuesday, April 15, 4 families had a fire in their apartment in Hillsboro. When the Red Cross disaster volunteers arrived, they assisted 8 adults and 12 children affected by […]