“I Am The Red Cross” Video

We recently developed a video illustrating the concept of One Red Cross. The intent of the video captures not just language diversity, but also many other aspects such as age, […]

Honoring Black History Month

During the month of February, we celebrate Black History Month. African Americans have a long, distinguished history in the American Red Cross. Gwendolyn T. Jackson was the first African American […]


Tuesday was the third annual “One Red Cross” Multi-Cultural Celebration, but as a newbie to this chapter it was my first time attending. As I write this I’m already looking […]

Charles Drew Blood Drive

On Saturday, June 12, the Portland Red Cross hosted the Charles Drew Blood Drive. It was a huge success, not just for bringing in blood donations, but for strengthening our […]

Marching to the Beat of the Red Cross Drum

A few things I love: Portland, summertime, the Red Cross, and parades. That’s why I’m excited to put on a Red Cross t-shirt tomorrow morning and march with fellow Red […]

Muy Caliente!

Check out these pics of our incredible employees and volunteers at the recent Familia, Salud, y Vida event. For more photos from pdxlatino.com, click here.

All The News That’s Fit To Print

There are so many little announcements today that I thought I’d wrap ’em all up in one post, rather than drag things out. So, without further ado, here’s the rundown: […]

Meet Floyd Pitts, Chief Diversity Officer

This morning, we had a very special visit. Floyd Pitts, Chief Diversity Officer for the American Red Cross, stopped by our chapter and hosted a roundtable discussion about diversity and […]