Got A Fever? …And Not For More Cowbell?

Saturday Night Live jokes aside, fall weather has arrived, meaning cold and flu season! For Red Cross blood donors, cold, flu and other symptoms of illness are listed as our number two most common reason for deferrals.

Check out our Red Cross flu checklist to stay on top of your game, read tips from Red Cross and the (CDC) or even turn to bendy straws and the “Happy Birthday song” to avoid illness!

Heathy people = a healthier blood supply. The only contagious activities the Red Cross wants are your lifesaving blood donations helping those around you and influencing others to donate as well!

Already sick? For the safety of both donors and recipients, if you don’t feel well on your day of donation, you should not give blood. But, if you are deferred, you can still make a difference!

Donors may return to donate 24 hours after all symptoms have cleared, so simply allow time to recover from the cold or flu symptoms. You can even plan ahead and schedule your next donation appointment in a couple of weeks!


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