We need your Red Cross stories!
For most people, encounters with the Red Cross never go beyond the occasional office blood drive or what they see on the news after a major disaster. It’s hard to explain the people behind the stories, and the very real effect the Red Cross has on those lives, unless you’ve experienced it yourself.
That’s why we need you. If you’ve been helped by the Red Cross, in any way, this is your chance to give back by sharing your story of the American Red Cross with a national audience.
Whether you were helped
following a house fire or a flood, received a blood donation, were able to give life-saving CPR, were assisted by our Services to the Armed Forces, or are a volunteer remembering a special moment from a disaster deployment, your story is one we want to share.Tell us how you were helped and what that meant to you. Go to: https://american.redcross.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=ntld_great_stories to find out more.
One thought on “We need your Red Cross stories!”
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