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Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up
Welcome to the Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you. It’s a non-comprehensive sampling […]
Win Free Blazer Tickets!
Here is your chance to show your spirit at life-saving, and potentially to show off your team spirit as well! The American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive on […]
There’s A New Crew In Town…
The Red Cross loves zombies. Well…more accurately, we love to prepare against zombies. From the latest Zombotica fundraiser to Ready Radio episodes to our virtual friends on Second Life, our […]
Save The Bunny, Take The Survey
Over the weekend, I went to Forest Grove. Sure, this might not sound exciting, but it was a chance to drive by the Harvey’s Marine rabbit and check out McMenamin’s […]
Photo Find: “To Red Cross Building”
Thanks to Audrey for pointing us in the direction (I make no apologies for that pun) of this fascinating photo by James Patrick Gibson. The aged beauty of that sign […]
Prepare-aphernalia: The Backpack Couch
One common excuse people give for not having an emergency kit: “I have nowhere to put it.” Okay, fair enough. Maybe you live in one of those adorable tiny houses […]
World Water Day 2010
In our world today, more than one billion people do not have access to clean water.More than two billion people do not have adequate sanitation facilities.Some four million people die […]
A (Virtual) Trip To Geneva
Getting my passport renewed this morning has filled me with a yen to travel. But I, like you, am sadly confined to my desk. Even on this beautiful sunny day, […]
World Water Day
March 22nd is World Water Day and so I’d like to emphasize the importance of water in public health and highlight some of the progress being made worldwide!! According to […]
‘Pints for Pups’ Blood Drive at OHS
Here is a purrfect opportunity to support two great causes at the same time! The Oregon Humane Society is hosting a ‘Pints for Pups’ Blood Drive with the American Red […]