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Consolation Prize: A Volcano Video
Well, I didn’t win the Oregon’s Greatest Natural Disasters book in this morning’s gift exchange, but I did find a cool volcano video to cheer myself up!Check it out. For […]
Prepare Now, Not Later
Earlier today, our preparedness guru Linda Swift did an interview with KOIN. With ice and snow (anywhere from 6-10″) expected this weekend, they wanted to know what Oregonians should be […]
National President & CEO: “We Must Strengthen Red Cross Chapters”
While our staff and volunteers have been working day and night on Emergency Warming Centers, I’ve been in DC at a meeting of Chapter Executives from across the country facilitated […]
What Are Your Holiday Plans?
First, the good news. We’ve had lots of people step up to the plate and our emergency warming centers have had plenty of volunteers to help staff them every night […]
For Emergencies Only
I just saw this KPTV story and was shocked that people (and so many of them!) would think it’s appropriate to call 911 for non-emergency traffic questions. Because of this week’s […]
Tweeting Up At A Blood Drive
If you saw my last post, you know that we’re already planning for a future blood drive “tweet-up.” While I’m sad to say that we won’t be the first to […]
Why I Love Twitter: A Confession
From the start, I’ve been a Twitter naysayer. I just couldn’t understand how micro-blogging and sharing every little teeny detail of one’s life — right down to the type of […]
How Busy Are We?
If you’ve been wondering about the lack of new content on the blog, it’s because we’ve been busy. Really busy. Just how busy are we? Well, here’s a note from […]
Narrow window to boost blood and platelet collection
American Red Cross has a small window of opportunity to bolster the blood and platelet supply. While some roads remain manageable, Red Cross is asking donors to give blood while […]
Disaster Action Team Responses
On Dec. 16, there was a trailer fire in Tillamook. Thelocal Red Cross volunteers met with the single adult, and assisted the adult with–Lodging in a nearby motel.–A client assistance […]