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Student Learns Lesson in Responsibility
Every once in a while, Cross Blog gets a hot tip from our fans. This time it’s a very special note, received by instructor Becky Vogely:Dear Ms. Vogely,I took your […]
Disaster Action Team Responses
On Saturday, July 19, a family had a fire that destroyed their house in Portland. When Red Cross volunteers arrived, they assisted the family of three with: –A client assistance […]
It’s not just in the Portland area…
I just saw this article and had to post it. Apparently it’s not just our Chapter that has been responding to an unusual amount of house fires. The Register-Guard reports 30 house […]
Yes, Bear Attacks Do Happen
So, a few weeks ago, I posted this and you immediately thought to yourself, “Oh Lise, do you REALLY think I need to know how to survive a bear attack?” […]
Unusual Frequency
So, yeah, it looks like we have actually been responding to more fires than usual lately. Yesterday, Rodney in Emergency Services sent out a special volunteer recruitment email that started […]
Britt Goes To Iraq
When most people think of the Red Cross, they think of blood, disasters and first aid/CPR. What they don’t often think of — especially here in Oregon — are the […]
Disaster Action Team Responses
On Wednesday, July 16, 2008 an adult and 2 children had a fire in their house in Sandy. When the Red Cross volunteers arrived, they helped the family with: –3 […]
Need a profile picture? Here you go!
Speaking of sleek icons, check out these new avatars you can use to show your Red Cross pride! Use them as your icon on Twitter, Flickr, Friend Feed, IM or whatever […]
CPR Romance, Take Two
In my ongoing quest to show you the softer side (and romantic benefits!) of CPR training, I bring you another craigslist post. Let this be a lesson — if you […]
The Mapstravaganza Continues…
Do timelines count as maps? I think they do. A timeline is sort of like a map of events. Anyway, check out these disaster timelines that Claire B. Rubin, social […]