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Disaster Action Team Responses
On Sunday, 8 June, one adult gentleman had a laundry room fire in his apartment located in Happy Valley. The electricity was also turned off. The disaster volunteers assisted him […]
Another Cautionary Tale…
Just another quick reminder after spotting this story about the hiker who spent the night in the foothills of Mount Hood and had to be airlifted out yesterday. Tabler had […]
China Earthquake: Big Quake Lake Gets Shelled
When I think of equipment used to save lives in disaster I think of medical instruments, trucks to carry food, or cranes to pick up debris. One thing I don’t […]
Preparing for the “New Normal”
With disasters occurring at what seems like a frightening pace across the country and around the world, the “new normal” really pushes America to start developing a culture of preparedness. […]
Volunteers Head To Midwest After Strong Storms, Flooding
Whew! Monday morning has been busy already. Over the weekend, you might have heard about the terrible storms and devastating flooding that has hit the Midwest. While the American Red […]
The Oregonian Redeems Itself!
Just about a month ago, I took The Oregonian to task for warning readers about the importance of being prepared while directing them to absolutely no resources to actually go […]
What? TV is sometimes unrealistic?
Speaking of CPR in the movies, and unrealistic CPR scenes on TV… Studies in both the New England Journal of Medicine and the British Medical Journal report that American TV […]
Your Final CPR Video for the Week. It’s a good one!
All week I’ve been trying to think of a CPR scene that culminated in a kiss. I thought, “Keanu Reeves or Angelina Jolie or someone has to have filmed a […]
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
You probably don’t wonder why I’ve called this press conference. There have been rumors swirling all around the interwebs and on the celebrity gossip channels for weeks that my days […]
Cross Spotting: Bravo’s Top Chef
It’s weird — I really don’t watch that much TV, but it seems like every time I turned on the tube, there’s another Red Cross connection. Before, it was SNL […]