Lizzie Bell’s Constant Need for Blood

Imagine your life being completely dependent on the generosity of others. Fourteen year old Lizzie Bell of Tucson, Arizona knows what that’s like. Lizzie suffers from Diamond-Blackfan Anemia, a rare […]

Blood on the Brain

Since lots of people think I look much younger than I am, I’ve decided to make an effort at appearing (key word, appearing) more mature. Big words make people sound […]

Check This Guy Out!

As we celebrate March as Red Cross Month, we are proud to introduce Bob Hawley as part of our Red Cross family! Volunteer blood donor Bob Hawley, 62 of Mt. […]

Extreme Makeover: Life-Saving Edition

American Red Cross Arizona Blood Region welcomes “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” team. This week, the cast and crew of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” traveled to Tucson, AZ to tell 14-year-old […]