What’s Your RQ?

No, RQ doesn’t measure how smart you are…rather how PREPARED you are. It’s your “readiness quotient,” and you can check how you stack up against the national average right here. […]

Gearing Up For Gustav

The folks at National Headquarters are all atwitter about the impending Hurricane Gustav. If you’re anywhere within its path or just want to keep up on the latest developments, be […]

Mike Fish: Why I Help

In the coming weeks, the Oregon Trail Chapter will experience an influx of youth and creativity. That’s because our new AmeriCorps members will arrive, kicking off nine months of service […]

It’s Our Wendy!

Once upon a time… or, well, actually yesterday… our friend John visited our other friend Wendy. John asked Wendy just one question about preparedness. He said, “What should we tell the […]

Your Indoor Edu-tainment For A Hot Day

It’s too hot to go out today so stay inside and watch cartoons! Check out this strangely adorable cartoon called Helpman and The Red Cross Red Crescent Principles.  In addition […]

Get Ready: Hot Weather Ahead

My day has been spenting messing around with our new website. It’s a very cool system, but not without challenges. Anyway, my latest accomplishment is that you can now go […]

Red Cross Spotting on Wired.com

Unfortunately we can’t put it in our Flickr group, but I spotted a nice Red Cross photo this morning: an emergency response vehicle in Germany blanketed by the dusty blue […]

Dolly gets her own website.

I’m talking this Dolly, not this Dolly. For all the latest Hurricane Dolly Red Cross news, including stats, photos, audio and video from the field check out the Hurricane Dolly […]

Pssst…Check Out The New Site

Earlier this week, I was admonished for the fact that I promised you sneak peeks of the new website and then gave you…nothing. Bad Lise. To make it up to […]

Need a profile picture? Here you go!

Speaking of sleek icons, check out these new avatars you can use to show your Red Cross pride! Use them as your icon on Twitter, Flickr, Friend Feed, IM or whatever […]